5 Benefits of Movable Walls

Use Office Space More Efficiently with Movable Walls

There are lot’s of benefits of movable walls being used in busy working enviroments. Employee movement is a genuine phenomenon, as individuals move up or down the corporate ladder, or change departments or locations. If you invest in a physical space in order to accommodate an employee only to find out later that employee doesn’t work for you anymore, will you still be paying for that space?

Or perhaps the opposite situation is more true for your business. Your team is growing and you need to fit more workstations into your existing space. Are you able to reconfigure or convert some of those private offices and meeting rooms surrounding the exterior of your office space to multi-user workstations or will you need to lease additional space?

Most managers will keep their desk configuration unchanged for the first year of employment in order to avoid the cost and hassle of knocking down and reinstalling drywall, painting and rewiring the electrical and data. This leads to inefficient use of office space, as every unoccupied square foot costs money.

All of your staff is working on plans that will not work, which will cause some issues in day-to-day operations.

With a movable wall system, you can instantly change the layout of an office to meet a new business demand. Large conference rooms–often the least used rooms in the office environment–can be divided into smaller rooms to accommodate additional work areas or multiple conference spaces.

The Benefits of Using Movable Walls

There are many benefits to using movable walls over drywall including: they save on materials, help reduce space waste, provide maximum flexibility and make your space easier to reconfigure. It’s important to note that some products are less effective than others at reducing wall movement and therefore wall damage.

We’ve identified two that resonate the most with our customers, allowing them to reduce the cost of change and give them the ability to better manage their space.

Movable Walls Reduce the Cost of Change

The benefits of Movable walls save companies money by allowing them to construct new layouts without relying on messy, inefficient drywall installation projects.

When you factor in all the other expenses involved with installing drywall, a typical square foot project can cost upwards of £6 or £8. Add in costs such as taping, muddling, removing walls, and even installing flooring, and it’s easy to see why this process can cost anywhere from £3 to £9 or more per square foot.

The fact that movable walls can contain electrical and data wiring saves even more time and expense by eliminating the need to rewire a newly configured space.

If you rent the office, you need the landlord’s permission to make these changes, and if you eventually move out of that building, the cost of the investment is lost.

It’s no secret that the modern office is a busy place, filled with employees doing multiple tasks on different computers, phones and desks. But with the growing trend of incorporating full-glass walls into private offices and meeting areas, only further affirms the fact that the open office concept needs to be put in check. Not only are there fewer obstructions to seeing what’s happening, but it also promotes healthier working conditions, such as air quality and productivity.

If you are using a movable wall system, however, the glass panels can be taken apart and reattached in the new location. This is a lot easier than trying to make a permanent change.

As we have used more and more glass moves in traditional office construction, their cost has dropped significantly. Glass walls can now be priced competitively with traditional panel walls, which means you can significantly lower your installation costs by using them.

Office managers should consider the cost of movable wall versus drywall. Movable walls are better for long-term value while drywall only lasts about 8-10 years.

Quick install gets you back to regular business faster.

Time lost in putting up your office walls means time lost in actually being in business. With our streamlined process and the benefits of Movable walls, you save time, and thus cost, during the construction of your ideal work space. Construction takes place under one roof rather than in different locations, so there’s minimal interruption.

Multiple finish options have broad application.

Amongs many benefits of Movable walls allow for customisation. They are easy to move and reconfigure, and come in a variety of materials and paneling options. As a result, Movable walls are often an excellent choice for both small and large spaces.

Whether you’re looking for solid wood panels, decorative glass, whiteboard, or tackable fabric-covered walls, our finish options give you unmatched flexibility. The endless possibilities allow you to design the exact environment that fits your business requirements and atmosphere.


There are many benefits of Movable Walls which can save you money, increase work produtivity and enable you to expand your office space.